At the end of each class we present, we ask the students on an anonymous, voluntary feedback form what stood out to them most during the presentation and what they learned. Here are some of our favorite comments that we have received.

You Are Valuable
“No matter what you still have value and worth.”
“My past doesn’t define me.”
“At the end where she said no matter what choices we make/are making we are still valuable.”
“No matter what happens to you, you still have worth.”
“That your worth is unimaginable, no matter what happened or what will happen to you.”
It’s Okay to Wait
“I loved how now I know that not everyone has sex. It’s okay to wait!”
“Knowing that 60% of students don’t have sex takes a lot of pressure off.”
“It helped me realize that it’s better to wait until the future.”
“All of it, it really opened my eyes up. And I’ve always planned on staying sexually abstinent until marriage, but I now will for sure.”
“Learning sex isn’t all relationships are and it’s okay to wait.”
Renewed Abstinence
“Renewed abstinence is the best option if you have already done it.”
“Talking about a second chance, it gives those who have done it hope.”
“The part about restarting. It is good to be able to change your decisions. The overall presentation was really understandable.”
It Is Never the Victim’s Fault
“It’s not my fault I was abused, I used to blame myself.”
“The part about consent because it helped me a lot. That it isn’t my fault for some things. Thank you so much for this presentation it means a lot.”
“To know that we are worth it even though we go through bad things. That its okay and its not your fault. This was an amazing experience.”
Healing is Possible
“I didn’t know what not to say when someone was hurting, now I do. Great program! Thanks for teaching teens about these things.”
“Trauma can impact a lot, but you can recover.”
“That you should talk to people you trust if you’re having a rough time.”
“You have to accept the things that happened before you get past them.”
“Establishing safety is essential for the healing process.”
Planning for the Future
“Things you do can affect the future, but not define you.”
“Talking about the risks, because it can be super helpful in the future.”
“How we grow and mature. Because I know that there are some thing I can work on, but now it’s a little clearer.
“The importance of delayed gratification and how choices will impact your future.”
Statistics and/or Consequences
“The statistics. It’s cool to see what the numbers say. Some will say this is all just religious stuff but it’s true either way.”
“I like how they talked about the consequences and didn’t sugar coat things like in the movies.”
“I was shocked at the STD statistics; it’s a good reason to wait until marriage for your health.”
“Learning all the consequences for your actions and that you still have a chance to start over.”
“The list of risks and consequences. There were risks that I didn’t know before.”
Healthy Relationships, Boundaries, and Refusal Skills
“How to treat someone when I am in a relationship.”
“That you should put boundaries up before you start dating.”
“Talking about boundaries is one of the most important parts of a healthy relationship.”
“I liked when they said you don’t have to be defined by those around you.”
“Being able to say no so you don’t do something you don’t want to do.”
“That we need to practice refusal skills to protect ourselves.”
“I would love for more people to see this! It would change peoples lives.”
“That this topic matters so much.”
“Just that there are so many people in this world that need this presentation. Keep doing it.”
“To know that people can be helped and forgiven. Thank you very much for opening my eyes a little more.”
“I wish we had longer time to talk.”
“How open the speakers are about talking about sex. Just continue to be open. It helps.”
“This generation forgets that sex is a powerful thing.”