Here on our blog, we set out to answer some of the questions that students have asked on their anonymous, voluntary feedback forms given at the end of each class.

A New Path

A New Path

A story from one of our Why Not presenters. “I remember hearing that 2/3 of students who engaged in sex and sexual activity regretted their decision and wish they would have waited longer. Of all of the information this stood out to me because it was very relatable.”

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Growing Up with Single Parents

Growing Up with Single Parents

Written by one of our Why Not presenters. “I’d like to tell you a story of how I came to be. It involves two loving parents who I appreciate very much. The thing is, they were never married.”

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The Up-Side of Abstinence

The Up-Side of Abstinence

Written by one of our Why Not presenters. “I had heard that abstinence was the best option. However, that piece of advice really stuck with me when I began hearing it from my peers.”

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Recovered Hope

Recovered Hope

A story from one of our Why Not presenters. “I was at a place where the only time that I thought I felt happy was when I was high, but realistically, the drugs weren’t helping me with depression, they were making it worse”
If you are struggling, reach out for help. Don’t fight the battle alone.

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“What does ‘Why Not’ mean?”

The name ‘Why Not’ for a Sexual Risk Avoidance education program may seem a bit confusing at first, as if to say, “Why not have sex? Just go for it.”. Here’s an explanation of what ‘Why Not’ means to us and the message that we share with students.

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