Why Not is a Sexual Risk Avoidance education program that is presented in the health classes of the Intermediate and High Schools in Washington County. Our main goal is to provide information to help students avoid the risks associated with sex/sexual activity outside of marriage. We also teach that they are valuable, with immeasurable worth.
A New Path
A story from one of our Why Not presenters. “I remember hearing that 2/3 of students who engaged in sex and sexual activity regretted their decision and wish they would have waited longer. Of all of the information this stood out to me because it was very relatable.”
“What does ‘Why Not’ mean?”
The name ‘Why Not’ for a Sexual Risk Avoidance education program may seem a bit confusing at first, as if to say, “Why not have sex? Just go for it.”. Here’s an explanation of what ‘Why Not’ means to us and the message that we share with students.
Is Porn Harmless or Even Beneficial?
Porn is often promoted as fun, casual, healthy, and educational. Here’s proof that it’s not.
“Can I use a condom/contraceptives?”
Condom use and contraceptives can be helpful tools to reduce sexual risk, but not avoid it entirely. Continue reading to learn more.
“Why don’t you guys teach safe sex instead of abstinence?”
This is a valid question, and one we hope to answer it in a brief and concise way. First, let’s define the term ‘safe-sex’. Continue Reading.
“Are STIs curable? Or are you permanently ill?”
To answer this question in brief, there are some STIs that are curable and some that are not. Continue reading to learn more.

If you want teens to know the truth about sex, and want to see them thrive and become the person they are meant to be, then consider getting involved! We are always looking for new presenters. Or if you want our program to come into your classroom, let us know. We even offer our program to groups outside of school.