We received a question from a student wondering why we are called ‘Why Not’. First, it is important to know what ‘Why Not’ is before we explain what ‘Why Not’ means.
What is Why Not?
Why Not is a Sexual Risk Avoidance education program that teaches intermediate and high school students about avoiding the risks associated with sex/sexual activity outside of marriage. Our mission is to educate and equip students in regards to their sexuality using a holistic approach with medical accuracy, empowering them to choose abstinence or renew their abstinence until marriage to maintain optimal health.

What does ‘Why Not’ mean?
The name ‘Why Not’ for a Sexual Risk Avoidance education program may seem a bit confusing at first, as if to say, “Why not have sex? Just go for it.”
The Cambridge Dictionary explains the phrase ‘why not’ as being used to make a suggestion or express agreement.
– “Why not use my car? You’ll be able to fit more moving boxes.”
– “Why not apply if you think you’ll enjoy the job?”
– “Maybe we could take a drive to the beach today.” “Sure, why not.”
This casual attitude is sometimes present in conversations surrounding the topic of sex. However, through our presentation, students learn about the risks associated with sex/sexual activity outside of marriage. We give students the facts, then it is their job to make a decision. We want to make it impossible for students to say, “I didn’t know”. Education is what enables individuals to make informed decisions. Regardless of whether someone has had sex or not, it is never too late to make a new choice. We give students tools to make healthy decisions achievable. These tools include practicing emotional maturity and delayed gratification, establishing boundaries in all relationships, and using refusal skills when pressured to do something unwanted or unhealthy.
In a sense, we are answering the question ‘Why not?’ by saying, “Here’s why not, and here’s how not.”

Why, ‘Why Not’?
Let’s see what the person who named our program has to say about why they chose ‘Why Not’.
“In 2013 we realized our SRA program needed a new name. While at a car show I saw the words “why not” written on the side of a vehicle. I began to think about the SRA message in the context of the question, why not? Why not wait? Why not put off sex for marriage? Why not abstain? It also empowered students who had already been sexually active. Why not renew your abstinence? Why not make a different choice in the future? This short, simple phrase created new energy and direction for the program. Why Not presents accurate, holistic information and encourages students to take a healthy look at abstaining. When students weigh their options, they can’t deny the benefit of waiting. So the question always remains, Why Not?”
– Amy (Former SRA Education Coordinator)

Why Not means ‘Why not delay?’, ‘Why not stand?’, ‘Why not look forward?’. It’s never too late to make a new decision. The choice is yours. So, why not?